Library Leaders

Geneva Margaretta Horn

Geneva Horn was the first librarian hired by the City Federation of Womens Clubs in 1928. She remained as librarian for three years until she resigned and was succeeded by Faye Wilcox. During her tenure, she wrote weekly in the Daily Courier-Gazette and the Weekly Democratic Gazette, where she gave updates on the state and condition of the library. She also started the tradition of afternoon storytimes for the children of and around McKinney every Saturday. After her resignation, she remained in McKinney for a year or so and was relatively active in the city life. 

Items of Interest:

  • Prior to her role, she graduated from the Cocke School of Expression & Oratory in Dallas in 1921. She later resumed her studies at the Texas Christian University in Fort Worth sometime during the late 30s, early 40s.  
  • She was born December 19, 1896. She died in Tampa Florida on April 19, 1976. Her grave is in Manasota Memorial Park in Bradenton, Florida. 
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Faye Wilcox: Boyd High School

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Faye Wilcox, Librarian

Faye Wilcox 

Faye Wilcox succeeded Geneva Horn as the second librarian in 1931. She was the librarian for seven years until 1938 when she died of a heart attack at age 40. She was a member of the McKinney Garden Club, The City Federation, the Owl Club, and other literary and community supporting organizations, but never married.  

Items of Interest:

  • Born June 30, 1998, died August 14, 1938 (aged 40), Buried in Pecan Grove Cemetery
  • Her aunt was a member of the Owl Club when it created a free traveling library for rural schools, the Owl Traveling Library.
  • Her great grandfather was Dr. William Edward Throckmorton. Throckmorton County is named after him. He was an early Collin County Pioneer that moved to Texas in 1841.  
  • Judge Frank E. Wilcox (Faye Wilcox’s Uncle) was the judge who passed sentencing in the trial for the murder of Hardy Mills in 1921. Despite his claims of innocence, Judge Wilcox sentenced Ezell Stepp to death by hanging, which was not only the last legal hanging in Collin County, but was also one of the last legal hangings in Texas. 

Source: The Courier-Gazette, Monday, August 15, 1938 – “Heart Attack Fatal to Miss Faye Wilcox” article 

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Fanny Finch

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Th Finch Family

Laura Frances Shipe Finch

Laura Frances Shipe Finch who went by Fanny Finch (listed Mrs. H. A. Finch) was a member of the first (1938) library board. Married to former Texas senator and McKinney Mayor Henry Arthur Finch, Fanny was one of the first women to serve on a school board in Texas. She helped found the Owl Literary Club (the group that would go on to help create the first library) and McKinney’s first Garden Club. In 1924, an elementary school was named in her honor for her contributions to education, literacy, and the community, and her family donated the land for Finch Park. She was also made a life member of the Texas Congress and Texas Parent-Teacher Association.

Items of Interest:

 Sources: McKiney Weekly Democrat-Gazette – November 21, 1920 – Page 1