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Student Section at the Homecoming Game, 2010
The student section cheering at the Homecoming game.
Tags: football, game, homecoming, McKinney High School, students
Rebekah Jacobson, Hailey Mercer and Meredith Cloutier at the Powder Puff Game, 2010
As they watched the action on the field, sophomores Rebekah Jacobson, Hailey Mercer and Meredith Cloutier giggled together.
Tags: game, homecoming, McKinney High School, powderpuff, students
Montana Willems on the Sidelines of the Homecoming Football Game, 2010
On the sidelines of the homecoming football game, sophomore cheerleader Montana Willems hugs mini cheerleader, Micaela.
Tags: cheerleaders, game, homecoming, McKinney High School
Homecoming Queen Abby Kinsinger, 2009
After they receive their crowns and flowers, D'juan Swinney escorts Abby Kinsinger off the field and on to the sideline.
Tags: court, game, homecoming, Homecoming Queen, McKinney High School, royalty
Sarah Estes, Mary Slater, Brennan Lane and Carson Gates at the Homecoming Game, 2009
With Sarah Estes and Mary Slater on their shoulders, Headhunters Brennan Lane and Carson Gates cheer to make up for the sparse crowd.
Players in the Powder Puff Game, 2009
Student players during the Homecoming Powder Puff game.
Tags: game, homecoming, McKinney High School, powderpuff, students
Homecoming King Prescot Mack and Homecoming Queen Georgia David, 2008
With new king, senior Prescot Mack, senior Georgia David accepts the honor of homecoming queen.
Junior Players During the Powder Puff Game, 2008
The junior class players during the homecoming powder puff game.
Tags: game, homecoming, McKinney High School, powderpuff, students