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Fiesta Dancing, 1950s
"Fiesta Queen Dominga Coronado watches the dancing during the 16th of September Festival in the dances of our heritage at Holy Family (church) when our parents were busy working in the field," remembers Gilda Garza who grew up on La Loma."
First Fiesta Queen, Dominga Coronado, 1950s
"The first Fiesta Queen, Dominga Coronado, was crowned during the 16th of September Festival in the early 1950s. She is flanked by Maids Florencia and Teresa Castro, left, and Butch Castillo, right. Simona and Marth Castillo, left, and Jimmy Gomez,…
1989 Queen, Amy Garza Before Parade, 2000
1989 Queen Amy Garza waiting for the parade to start.
1999 Reigning Fiesta Queen, Krystal Garza, 2000
Krystal Garza, the reigning Fiesta Queen in 2000, waving during the Mexican Independence Day Celebrations.
Maricela Hernandez & Amy Garza, 2000
Previous Fiesta queens Maricela Hernandez and Amy Garza posing together before the 2000 Mexican Independence Day Celebration.
Queens Ortenzia Gonzalez, and Susana Gonzalez, 2000
Previous Fiesta Queens, Ortenzia Gonzalez '68 and Susana Gonzalez ' 73, in the Mexican Independence Day Celebration parade.
Parade Line of Fiesta Queens, 2000
Car line of former and the 2000 reigning Fiesta queens in the Mexican Independence Day Celebration held in downtown McKinney.
1987 Queen, Marciela Hernandez, 2000
The 1987 to 1989 Fiesta Queen, Marciela Hernandez, in the Mexican Independence Day Celebration parade.