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Wilbur Wallis
"Sgt. Wilbur Wallis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wallace, Melissa. graduated from Boyd High School. Entered service Jan. 1942. Took training at Sheppard Field, Sarasota, Fla. Went overseas Aug. 1942 with Hq & Base Serv. Sq. to England."
Tags: Veterans, World War II
Wilbur Thompson
"R. D. M. 2/c Wilbur Thompson, husband of Mrs. Helen Thompson, son of Mrs. W. D. Thompson, Chamberville, Tex. Graduated from McKinney High School. Attended U. of Texas. Entered service March, 1944. Trained at San Diego, Calif., Norfolk, Va. Wears…
Tags: Veterans, World War II
Wheelic H. Wilson
"Cpl. Wheelice H. Wilson, graduated from McKinney High School and attended N.T.S.T.C., Denton. Entered service in Dec. 1943 and received Radar training in Indiana, Florida, Georgia and Utah. Went overseas June, 1944. Now with the 873rd Signal Co., in…
Tags: Veterans, World War II
Wellington Kirkwood
"Pvt. Wellington Kirkwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirkwood, attended McKinney High School. Entered service Jan, 1945. Basic training at Ft. Sill, Okla. He is in Artillery, stationed at Fort Ord, Calif."
Tags: Veterans, World War II
Wedding at Holy Family, 1950s
"Juan and Lola Ponse's wedding at Holy Family Church in the 1950s. Johnny Urbano and Margarita Carranza hold the bride's train."
Waymon E. Herndon
"S/Sgt. Waymon E. Herndon, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Herndon, attended McKinney High School. Entered Air Corp 1942. Trained at Perrin Field, Sherman, Texas and in Kansas. Trained as nose gunner on B-24. Made 35 missions over Germany. Awarded 4 Oak…
Tags: Veterans, World War II
Walter G. Royall
"Cpl. Walter G. Royall attended Boyd High School. Entered Army Oct. 1942. Received basic training and graduated from mechanic school, Sheppard Field, Wichita Falls, Tex. Received specialist course in Patterson, N. J., and is now serving in European…
Tags: Veterans, World War II
Walter B. A. Apple
"T/5 Walter B. A. Apple, son of Mrs. Sam Apple, McKinney. Graduate of Boyd High School. Attended NTSTC, Denton. Enlisted in Medical Corps of Army April 1943. Received basic training Fort Sam Houston. Now serving in Hdq. Co. in India since June,…
Tags: Veterans, World War II