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  • Rights is exactly "Permission to publish or reproduce must be obtained from the Yearbook Advisor at McKinney High School."

Homecoming Court Nominees, 1964

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"Each year the varsity football team chooses four nominees for Homecoming Queen and the queen is selected in a school wide election. The 1964 nominees were Marcella Cain, Judy Cantrell, Betty Olde and Roxa Renland."

Homecoming Bonfire, 1964

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"Traditionally on the Thursday night before Homecoming, students, former students, and citizens of McKinney join in a pep rally and bonfire. Several yells are given, and the school song is sung."

Homecoming Pep Rally, 1964

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"For the homecoming pep rally an football game, the cheerleaders prepared a sign to fit between the goal posts. The sign expressed the student body's good wishes to the team and coaches -- 'Go Lions!'"

Senior Class Parade Float, 1964

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"During the Homecoming festivities, the Senior Class entered a float in the competition. The float theme 'Knowledge is Powerful' was presented in the Homecoming Parade and won second place."

Winning Parade Float, 1964

"First place in the float competition went to the band float which was in the form of a large drum. The competition was directed by Mr. Woody Schober and was open to all classes and organizations in the school. Monetary prizes where give to the…

Homecoming Queen Roxa Penland, 1964

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"During the halftime of the McKinney vs. Gainsville game, Senior Roxa Penland was crowned 1964 Homecoming Queen by John Hardin. Amid flagbearing Marquettes and the MHS Band playing 'Tonight,' the four nominees were escorted by their fathers from cars…

Big Mac in the Parade, 1963

"Big Mac, the M Club's parade entry, waves a big 'Hello' to everyone."

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Homecoming Queen Sharon Smith, 1963

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"A kiss from student body president, Jerry Fisher; a bouquet of roses; a glittering crown--these climaxed an exciting homecoming week for Miss Sharon Smith, 1963-64 Homecoming Queen. Miss Smith and three other attractive McKinney High School senior…