Browse Items (126 total)

  • Rights is exactly "Permission to publish or reproduce must be obtained from the Yearbook Advisor at McKinney High School."

Winning Parade Float, 1964

"First place in the float competition went to the band float which was in the form of a large drum. The competition was directed by Mr. Woody Schober and was open to all classes and organizations in the school. Monetary prizes where give to theā€¦

Winners of Homecoming King and Queen, 2005

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"The crowd smiled back as senior Brandon Ogletree became the homecoming king. Although the princes and princesses were announced before the game, the king and queen were announced during half time." The queen was unnamed.

Tuba Player, Michael Moore, in Homecoming Parade, 2000

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"Marching in the homecoming parade, sophomore Michael Moore plays his tuba."

Travis Robertson Cheers at Powder Puff Game, 2001

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"Showing school spirit, junior Travis Robertson cheers the junior girls on by clapping at the Powder Puff game. The juniors place the seniors and lost 0-14."

The Jazz Choir on Their Homecoming Float, 2010

As a member of the top jazz choir group, senior Jessica Couch sings at the homecoming parade.

Tami Terrell is Crowned Homecoming Queen, 1983

"Excitement shows as Tami Terrell is crowned Homecoming Queen by Jesse Escamilla, Student Council president."

Students with LIONS paint, 1994

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David Fisher, Jason French, Jared Schroeder, Joe Hull, Brad Duncan, and Carlos Saldana decorate their bodies for the game.

Students Huddled Together at Homecoming Bonfire, 1992

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"Bonfire warms an unusually cool night before the big Homecoming game against Highland Park."