Browse Items (3 total) Creator is exactly "Anna Jay" Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse Map Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Sarah Estes, Mary Slater, Brennan Lane and Carson Gates at the Homecoming Game, 2009 With Sarah Estes and Mary Slater on their shoulders, Headhunters Brennan Lane and Carson Gates cheer to make up for the sparse crowd. Tags: cheerleaders, game, headhunters, homecoming, McKinney High School Players in the Powder Puff Game, 2009 Student players during the Homecoming Powder Puff game. Tags: game, homecoming, McKinney High School, powderpuff, students Chloe Edwards at the Homecoming Carnival, 2009 At the National Art Honor Society Booth, senior Chloe Edwards paints children's faces at the homecoming carnival. Tags: carnival, homecoming, McKinney High School, National Art Honor Society, students